

1月16日 Vinod Singhal:供应链风险与财务表现概述(2025年第1场百场校级学术讲座)
2025-01-16 13:30:00
主讲人:Vinod Singhal
开始时间:2025-01-16 13:30:00

Vinod Singhal is the Charles W. Brady Family Chaired Professor of Operations Management at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.  He has a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from BITS, Pilani, India; MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, India; and Ph.D. from University of Rochester; Rochester, USA.  Prior to joining Georgia Tech., he worked for three years as a Senior Research Scientist at General Motors Research Labs. Vinod’s research has focused on the impact of operating decisions on accounting and stock market based performance measures.  His research has been supported through grants from the US Department of Labor, National Science Foundation, the American Society of Quality, and the Sloan Foundation. He has published extensively in academic journals and has made more than 120 presentations at different universities.  His research has been recognized in the practitioner community through his many articles in industry-practitioner journals and frequent invited presentations as keynote speaker at practitioner conferences. His work has been cited well over 200 times in practitioner publications such as Business Week, The Economist, Fortune, Smart Money, CFO Europe, Financial Times, Investor’s Business Daily, and Daily Telegraph.   Vinod is a Departmental Editor of Production and Operations Management, and Associate Editor of Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.  He is on the Academic Advisory Board of the European School of Management and Technology, Germany.  He has served on the Board of Examiners of the Georgia Oglethorpe Award, Bell South’s President Quality Award, and the Baldrige Award.   Vinod has contributed to the Georgia Tech. community in terms of teaching and service.  Vinod’s teaching interests include operations strategy and supply chain management.  At the Scheller College of Business, Vinod has taught at the undergraduate, MBA, executive, and PhD programs and has won teaching awards at the MBA level.  His contributions to curriculum development are diverse and deep including those made while serving as Associate Dean of MBA Programs and area coordinator of Operations Management. He has contributed to teaching at an international level, as well, by offering workshops and advising faculty and PhD students on how to enhance the quality and impact of their research in countries including Australia, China, France, New Zealand, and Singapore, and United Kingdom.


This talk will present on overview of my empirical research on the effect of supply chain risks on financial performance. Financial performance is measured using measures related to stock returns, stock price volatility, and profitability. It will compare the financial effects of three different types of supply chain risks: supply chain disruptions, product introduction delays, and excess inventory. It will present the effects from different sources of supply chains including natural disasters, industrial accidents, corporate social irresponsible behavior, and geopolitics. It will also discuss how the financial effects of such risks propagate up and down the supply chain. The talk will discuss the methods and data sources that can be used to estimate the financial effects of supply chain risks.  It will also outline some future research issues in this area.